Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
open positions
Carlo Mantegazza
Available papers (11):
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D. Castorina -
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
Semilinear Li & Yau inequalities
G. Ascione - D. Castorina -
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
A matrix Harnack inequality for semilinear heat equations
G. Catino
- D. Castorina -
C. Mantegazza
A Triviality Result for Semilinear Parabolic Equations
G. Catino
L. Cremaschi
Z. Djadli
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri (Published Online:
Pacific J. Math.
The Ricci-Bourguignon Flow
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri (
Math. Ann.
A note on Codazzi tensors
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri (
Anal. PDE
Locally conformally flat ancient Ricci flows
C. Mantegazza
G. Mascellani
- G. Uraltsev (
Pacific J. of Math.
On the Distributional Hessian of the Distance Function
H. D. Cao -
G. Catino
- Q. Chen -
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri (
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Bach-flat gradient steady Ricci solitons
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri (preprint)
On the global structure of conformal gradient solitons with nonnegative Ricci tensor
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri -
M. Rimoldi
Locally conformally flat quasi-Einstein manifolds
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
Evolution of the Weyl Tensor under the Ricci Flow
11 jul 2022:
The Riemannian Penrose inequality via nonlinear potential theory
30 jan 2020:
Evolution by curvature of networks in the plane
9 apr 2018:
Evolution by curvature of networks in the plane
16 oct 2015:
Networks of curves in the plane moving by curvature
27 nov 2014:
Un flusso tangente al flusso di Ricci definito per mezzo del nucleo del calore e del trasporto di massa
10 nov 2014:
Some variations on Ricci Flow
17 jul 2014:
Some results and problems about evolutions of geometric structures
16 jun 2025 - 20 jun 2025:
Differential Geometry, Analysis and Epistemology in Milan - a conference in honor of Marco Rigoli's 70th birthday
15 jun 2022 - 17 jun 2022:
A Geometric Analysis Meeting at UniTo
10 sep 2016 - 10 sep 2016:
Pisa-Hokkaido Workshop: Perspectives on Ricci flow, the dispersive equation, and related topics
16 feb 2016 - 19 feb 2016:
GK-Winterschool 2016 on Geometric Evolution Equations
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