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Canada Research Chair Positions at Western - Special Call for Designated Groups

created by daniele on 07 Jun 2019

Deadline: 19 jun 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The University of Western Ontario is advertising 10 Canada Research Chair positions for members of underrepresented minorities. The CRC program is highly prestigious and it's a pretty sweet deal.

This is a competition across all university disciplines and we would love to see many mathematicians apply.

The application deadline is June 19 (yes, in 2 weeks). You may not be able to submit your strongest application, but don't worry - no-one will have enough time to properly prepare it, so it's still worth putting one in.

A couple of paragraphs from the ad:

To address Western’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion ..., only applicants who self-identify as a woman, Indigenous person or person with a disability will be considered for these CRC opportunities.

For Tier 2 Chairs, candidates must be exceptional emerging world-class researchers (i.e., candidates must have less than 10 years of experience as an active researcher in their field at the time of nomination) who have demonstrated particular research creativity and have demonstrated the potential to achieve international recognition in their fields within five to ten years.

For Tier 1 Chairs, candidates must be outstanding and innovative world-class researchers who have made a major impact and are recognized internationally as leaders in their fields.

Full ad:

Information about the CRC program:

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