Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Cone-deformations and hyperbolic surgeries

Stefano Riolo

created by collari on 21 Mar 2016
modified on 18 Apr 2016

19 apr 2016 -- 14:30

Sala Riunioni, Dipartimento di Matematica, Pisa

Seminari dei Baby-Geometri


Modest overview of the theory of cone-deformations. We will see its importance in three-dimensional hyperbolic geometry (and therefore in three-dimensional topology): for example in Thurston’s celebrated Hyperbolic Dehn Filling Theorem. The seminar is addressed to non-experts, focusing on geometric intuition and skipping technicalities as much as possible. However, familiarity with hyperbolic geometry and geometric structures (in the sense of Ehresmann-Thurston) would help much.

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