Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Geometrization of branched coverings of the sphere and decidability of Thurston equivalence

Michael Yampolsky

created by daniele on 23 May 2014

28 may 2014 -- 15:30

Sala Conferenze (Puteano, Centro De Giorgi, Pisa)


I will discuss a recent joint work with N. Selinger on constructive geometrization of branched coverings of the $2$-sphere. I will further describe the connection between geometrization and the general question of algorithmic decidability of Thurston equivalence, and will present a new decidability result obtained jointly with Selinger, which generalizes my previous work with M. Braverman and S. Bonnot.

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