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Invariant complex structures in six dimensions

Luis Ugarte

created by daniele on 27 Apr 2023
modified on 06 May 2023

10 may 2023 -- 12:00

Aula Tricerri, DIMaI, Firenze

Seminari di Geometria del Dini


We will show the classification of 6-dimensional unimodular Lie algebras ${\mathfrak g}$ that admit a complex structure with non-zero closed (3,0)-form. This gives rise to compact quotients $M=\Gamma\backslash G$ endowed with invariant complex structures whose canonical bundle is holomorphically trivial. In the balanced setting, we focus on the solutions of the Hull-Strominger system with respect to the $(\varepsilon,\rho)$-plane of metric connections $\nabla^{\varepsilon,\rho}$ that contains Levi-Civita and the Gauduchon line of Hermitian connections. When $\nabla^{\varepsilon,\rho}$ is Hermitian-Yang-Mills, there are only three possibilities for ${\mathfrak g}$: the nilpotent ${\mathfrak n}_3$, the solvable ${\mathfrak s}_7$, and the semi-simple ${\mathfrak{so}}(3,\!1)$.

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