Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Torelli subgroup action on character varieties

Yohann Bouilly

created by galasso on 08 Feb 2023
modified on 24 Feb 2023

1 mar 2023 -- 14:00

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Geometry & Topology seminars at Unimib is a new cycle of postdoc seminars planned and organised by Gianluca Faraco and Andrea Galasso at University of Milano-Bicocca. With the present initiative we aim to spread the knowledge of topics arising in low-dimensional topology, CR-geometry and geometric quantization in our department by hosting speakers from other departments around the world.

The speaker will deliver the talk online via Webex platform.

Information to attend in presence: The seminar will take place in room 3014, at the building U5-Ratio, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca.

Information to attend online: https:/unimib.webex.comunimibj.php?MTID=m57db44d26f6b26976c8c1a3ed885262e

Webinar password: 2iqWqNNnm42 (24797666 from phones)


The character varieties of a surface encode geometric structures as Teichmüller space or holomorphic vector bundles. The mapping class group of the surface acts on the character varieties and preserves a measure. This action is known to be properly discontinuous on the Teichmüller space but its behavor is different for character varieties in a compact group (the action is known to be ergodic) and some ergodicity conjecture and results exist for exotic components. In this talk we will explain why the Torelli subgroup, which is the kernel of the action of the mapping class group on the first homology space, acts ergodically on character varieties in a compact Lie group and what happen for exotic components for SL2-character varieties.

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