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Nilpotence Varieties, Pure Spinors Superfields and Supersymmetry

Simone Noja

created by bazzoni on 01 Feb 2023
modified on 22 Feb 2023

23 feb 2023 -- 16:15

Geometry in Como (hybrid)


In this talk I will introduce a mathematical perspective on the pure spinor superfield formalism, showing how to recover (all) supersymmetry multiplets from geometric data related to the nilpotence variety of a certain Poincaré superalgebra. After discussing some lower dimensional examples, I will focus on the relevant case of supersymmetry in six dimensions, where the nilpotence variety is given by a four dimensional Segre variety. If time permits, I will explain how nilpotence varieties of classical Lie superalgebras are related to the superconformal field theories (and hence AdS CFT conjecture).

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