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Kähler geometry of holomorphic submersions

Annamaria Ortu

created by daniele on 30 Jan 2023
modified on 22 Feb 2023

1 mar 2023 -- 11:30

Aula Tricerri, DIMaI, Firenze

Seminario di Geometria del Dini


Proper holomorphic submersions of Kähler manifolds can be thought of as both a generalisation of holomorphic vector bundles and as a way of studying the behaviour of Kähler manifolds in families. We will consider fibrations whose fibres are K-semistable deformations of Kähler manifolds with constant scalar curvature, in a way compatible with the fibration structure. On such fibrations, we will describe a canonical choice of a relatively Kähler metric, called an optimal symplectic connection, that provides a generalisation of the Hermite-Einstein condition on vector bundles and allows to construct a moduli space of Kähler fibrations.

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