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Courant algebroids and supergravity

Fridrich Valach

created by raffero on 11 Jan 2023
modified on 30 Jan 2023

7 feb 2023 -- 14:30

Differential Geometry Seminar Torino (online)


Courant algebroids provide a convenient framework for investigating (the bosonic part of) the superstring background equations, i.e. the equations of motion of heterotic, type I, or type II supergravities. Since the relevant structures behave naturally under pullbacks, one can construct solutions of the complicated background equations by first solving the corresponding equations in a purely algebraic setup, and then pulling the result back to an exact Courant algebroid. I will show how the procedure works, how it is related to the Poisson-Lie T-duality, and describe a class of solutions to generalised string background equations (of type II) on the product of AdS and a Riemannian symmetric space.


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