Deadline: 15 feb 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear Colleagues,
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Liverpool is advertising 5 GTA postgraduate positions with mild teaching duties:
and 4 EPSRC/DTP position with no teaching duties:
The posts cover all the mathematical sciences (including finance, statistics and applied), have a duration of 3 and a half years and come with a tax-free maintenance grant of approx £15,000 / year.
The algebraic geometry group in Liverpool counts 5 permanent members of staff, a honorary member (Prof. Nikulin) en emeritus (Prof. Newstead) and 10 graduate students, see
Candidates should be UK residents to be eligible for the EPSRC/DTP positions. All candidates are eligible to apply for the GTA positions but, should a non-EU candidate accept the post, they would have to pay the difference in tuition fees for graduate students between non-EU and EU (that difference is approx. £12,000 / year).
The deadline is February 15th. Applicants should secure the endorsement of their proposed Liverpool supervisor prior to that date.
Best regards,
Nicola Pagani