Deadline: 31 dec 2018
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We are seeking to appoint a full-time post-doctoral Research Associate (RA) to be involved in a research project within the Mathematical Foundations theme of the Lloyd's Register Foundation Programme on Data-Centric Engineering at The Alan Turing Institute. The post-holder will undertake research aligned to the aims and objectives of the research project “Probabilistic Topology and Data Analysis’’. The project will focus on probabilistic models of large random spaces and will investigate their topological and geometric properties. Large random spaces are well-suited for modelling large complex systems in various applications and in this research we shall study important industrial and societal applications of stochastic topology. One of the goals will be to use probabilistic topological techniques for solving important questions of deterministic topology. One of the goals will be to use probabilistic topological techniques for solving important questions of deterministic topology. This work will be done in collaboration with Michael Farber (m.farber(AT) and Alex Mijatovic (a.mijatovic(AT)
(Note by User: deadline is indicative.)