Deadline: 7 dec 2018
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two 3-year post-docs on Arend Bayer's ERC consolidator grant, please see Deadline December 7.
Dear all,
Applications are invited for a two year postdoctoral position at the University of Edinburgh, funded by my ERC grant "Categorified Donaldson-Thomas theory". Applicants with a background in geometric representation theory, broadly interpreted, are particularly encouraged, and anyone with a background in any of the areas covered by the grant are welcome. These include DT theory, cluster algebras and Higgs bundles.
The deadline for applications is the 7th of January, and you can find the advert here:
You can find details of other postdoctoral vacancies at the University of Edinburgh here:
Note that the other posts have earlier deadlines. If you have any questions regarding the post, feel free to email Ben Davison at ben.davison(AT)