Deadline: 2 dec 2018
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
The Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) at the Australian National University is advertising multiple positions this season, including continuing/tenure track lecturer or senior lecturer positions as well as four-year fixed-term "MSI fellowships". The deadline is Sunday 2 December, 11:55pm AEDT, and the positions are open to all areas of the mathematical sciences.
The MSI is committed to improving the gender balance amongst staff and students in the field of STEM. As part of this initiative, the Institute is taking proactive action towards this goal by opening an ongoing academic position to female applicants only. This is an equal employment opportunity measure aiming to increase representation of women within the field of mathematical sciences and other science disciplines.
Applications are through Mathjobs, and more information is on the ANU
jobs page. The links are as follows.
Selection criteria and position descriptions:
MSI Fellow: Selection criteria and position descriptions: