Deadline: 30 nov 2018
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Several post doc positions within the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure
Deadline: Friday, Nov 30, 2018
The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure offers several Postdoctoral Positions and Young Research Groups (salary level E13 TV-L) in all fields of mathematics related to the cluster. The duration of these positions is up to 3 years, for research groups up to 4 years. Expected starting date is no later than October 2019.
Generally there are no teaching obligations but such opportunities are provided if desired by the candidates. The main selection criterion is scientific excellence. For Postdoctoral Positions you apply on your own. Applications for Young Research Groups are applications from groups of two or three postdoctoral researchers, who plan to collaborate intensively on research topics relevant to the cluster.
All the relevant information can be found at the following link:
Please notice that the deadline for the current application round is quite tight: 30 November 2018.