Deadline: 26 nov 2018
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Peter Bubenik is hiring a 3-year postdoc in applied topology. The position has a good salary, low teaching duties, time for work on mathematical theory, and a significant collaboration with biology.
More details: The position is being funded by the new NSF/Simons Southeast Center in Mathematics and Biology. The teaching load is one one-semester course per year. There will be time to develop the mathematics of applied topology. The main collaboration will be with Hang Lu, Love Family Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Tech, applying topological data analysis to her lab's data. The postdoc will also have the opportunity to help mentor the students in my research group - currently 6 PhD students and one undergraduate.
Applications should be submitted to MathJobs.Org at
Review of applications will begin on November 26 and continue until the position is filled.
(Note by User: deadline is indicative.)