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Jobs in Glasgow

created by daniele on 06 Nov 2018

Deadline: 28 nov 2018

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The University of Glasgow is currently advertising:


One permanent position in pure mathematics:

Geometers and number theorists are very much encouraged to apply. The application deadline is 28th November. Please direct any informal enquires either to Michael Wemyss (michael.wemyss(AT), or Head of School Ian Strachan (ian.strachan(AT)


Three 3-year research positions:

across all of mathematics. These will carry a light teaching load. The application deadline is also 28th November. Please direct any informal enquires to Head of Mathematics Tara Brendle (tara.brendle(AT)


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