Deadline: 1 dec 2018
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The following two positions in number theory, arithmetic or algebraic geometry are available in my group at Leibniz Universitaet Hannover:
Riemann Instructorship (for 4 years)
This position is intended for applicants with very good research results, an excellent research program and typically some postdoc experience. It is connected to our Riemann Center for Geometry and Physics and offers competitive funding for research activities.
For details, see: (in English) (in German)
Postdoc position (for 2 years)
For details, see: (in English) (in German)
Both positions come with a light teaching load. The starting date is flexible (between February and October 2019). The application deadline is December 1, 2018. All applications will be considered for both positions.
Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested.