Deadline: 17 dec 2018
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There is a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellowship starting in fall 2019 funded by Claudia Scheimbauer's research project “Higher category theory meets quantum field theory” at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, funded by the Bergen Research Foundation. The position is for three years with teaching (4 courses) or two years without teaching. The funded project lies at the intersection of mathematical physics and algebraic topology, more precisely in the mathematical study of field theories using methods from homotopy theory.
The quality of life in Norway is very high and the salaries are very competitive. There will be considerable travel money available, as well as a budget for inviting guests. More information can be found on the project website The official job advertisement with all information on how to apply can be found at
The application deadline is December 17. Please submit cv, research statement, and contact information of two references via jobnorge at the link above.