Deadline: 28 nov 2018
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Rankin-Sneddon Research Fellowship in Mathematics
Tuesday 30th October, 2018
Job Title: Rankin-Sneddon Research Fellowship in Mathematics
Vacancy Ref: 023410
Salary: Grade 7; Salary £35,210 - £39,610 per annum
The School of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications for one of three 3-year Rankin-Sneddon Research Fellowships in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. The candidates will undertake independent research in a field of mathematics (pure or applied) that complements or reinforces the existing research strengths within the School.
While primarily a research position, these fellowships will carry a light teaching load, which will normally mean lecturing one 20-credit course, or two 10-credit courses, with associated tutorials, each academic year. This will typically translate into approximately 4 contact hours per week in each of two 11-week semesters per year, the distribution of which may be flexible. Research fellows will also have the opportunity to supervise Honours and/or Masters Projects in their area of interest.
Informal enquiries may be directed to Head of Mathematics, Prof Tara Brendle, tara.brendle(AT)
For full details and application, visit and search for reference number 023410.
Closing Date: 28th November 2018
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Pure Mathematics
Tuesday 30th October, 2018
Job Title: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Pure Mathematics
Vacancy Ref: 023434
Salary: Grade 7/8/9; Salary £35,210 - £39,610 / £43,266 - £50,132 / £51,630 - £58,089 per annum
To make a leading contribution to research in Pure Mathematics, in an area that complements the existing research groups within the School. To contribute to the delivery of an excellent student experience through active engagement in teaching, assessment and administration at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Working independently and with colleagues, and international and external stakeholders, the postholder will be expected to publish in high impact journals at both national and international level and pursue opportunities to generate research income.
The postholder will assist with the development and delivery of School strategy, management and organisation.
Informal enquiries may be directed to Head of School, Prof Ian Strachan, hos-maths-stats(AT)
For full details and application, visit and search for reference number 023434.
Closing Date: 28th November 2018