Deadline: 15 nov 2018
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Announcement of a PostDoc position, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, available from April 1, 2019 on. Please find details below. Deadline for applications: November 15th, 2018 (applications will be considered until the position is filled)
The Faculty of of Mathematics at TU Chemnitz opens a
PostDoc-position (TV-L E13)
for 2-3 years to be appointed on April 1, 2018 or later.
The successful candidate is supposed to have a strong background in algebraic geometry. Particularly welcomed (but not required) are topics like Hodge theory, moduli spaces, D-modules, mirror symmetry (including homological aspects), toric geometry and related areas.
Applicants must hold or expect to obtain a Ph.D degree in algebraic geometry preferably close to one of the above mentioned areas.
Depending on the duration of the employement, some teaching (up to a max. of 4h/week) may be required. Active participation in working groups and seminars is encouraged.
For further information please contact Christian Sevenheck (christian.sevenheck(AT)
Applications including CV, academic record, copies of relevant degrees and examinations, copy of Ph.D thesis (even íf not yet submitted) are to be sent by email as a single pdf-file to christian.sevenheck(AT) Additionally, please arrange for at least one letter of recommendation, which should be sent directly to the above address.
The closing date for applications is November 15th, 2018. Applications arriving after the closing date may still be considered until the position is filled.