Deadline: 15 nov 2018
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Two PhD positions in Applied Algebra and Geometry Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands
We are pleased to invite applications for two PhD positions in Applied Algebra and Geometry at TU/e, the Netherlands.
The positions are financed by a Vici grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and includes an attractive budget for travelling and inviting guests. The successful applicants will be jointly supervised by Jan Draisma (from Bern) and Rob Eggermont (from Eindhoven) and will frequently visit, and be visited by, the Bern branch of the Vici team.
The topics will be determined together the successful applicants; possible areas include algebraic statistics, commutative algebra, polynomial optimisation, matroid theory, representation stability, and tropical geometry. The unifying theme is stabilisation as underlying combinatorial structures tend to infinity.
The application deadline is November 15, 2018, but later applications will be considered until a suitable candidate is found.
To apply, send a message to Rob Eggermont at r.h.eggermont(AT) with
the following information:
-- a short letter of motivation;
-- a detailed CV;
-- a transcript of Master studies' grades, and the Master thesis if
-- and arrange for one letter of recommendation, preferably by the
Master's thesis supervisor, to be sent to the above email address.
For further questions, please contact Rob Eggermont or Jan Draisma (jan.draisma(AT)
Background: Ph.D. students at TU/e are temporary (4-year) employees of the university, and receive a gross salary ranging from 2222 euro/month in the first year to 2840 euro/month in the fourth year. TU/e has attractive facilities for sports, child care, and professional development.