Deadline: 15 jul 2018
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata invites expressions of interest for Senior (Tenure-Track) Assistant Professor ('RTD-B') and Tenured Associate Professor positions in any area of Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Who we are:
Our Department has been consistently ranked in top positions within Italy and Europe in Research Assessment Exercises held over the last decade; it is the only Italian institution ranking in the top 100 worldwide for Mathematics according to the ARWU ranking of 2017. Moreover, the Department has been recently ranked first in Italy and hence financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the program "Departments of Excellence" for the 2018-2022 period. More information about the Department and this program can be found at
see also
What we offer:
- Associate Professor is a tenured position. Applicants should have an established track-record of publications in top international journals and evidence of leadership and recognition in the international academic community, including grant applications and project management. Standards of excellence in teaching are also expected. The initial gross salary of an Associate Professor is around 50k Euros per year. The net amount after taxes depends on the total personal income, the composition of the family and other parameters. To apply for an associate professorship in Italy, the candidates must hold the "Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale" (Italian National Habilitation) as Associate Professor, or must have been declared eligible by the Italian Ministery of University and Research (MIUR), or must be currently employed in an equivalent position in Italy or in a foreign Department.
- Senior (Tenure-Track) Assistant Professor (RTD-B) is for three years. Subject to evaluation, the position will be converted in a tenured Associate Professorship. Applicants for this position must have at least three years of experience after PhD completion, and an already established research record. The initial gross salary is around 38k Euros per year
A four-year tax exemption on 90% of the salary is available according to the Italian tax law for those candidates who have been residing outside Italy for 2 years or more. All positions will start not earlier than 2019. Moreover, the MIUR Excellence Grant will provide special funds to attract PhD students and PostDocs to join the Department and host large scientific events as well as other activities such as PhD courses, seminars and workshops.
Applicants should express their interest by sending an email to progetto(AT), including a Curriculum Vitae and a list of publications. The subject of the email should be Associate-surname or RTDB-surname. Selected candidates could be invited for a seminar. There are no restrictions regarding the nationality of the applicants.
Please note that this is a call for interest, not a job vacancy announcement; i.e., this call is only a preliminary stage aimed to collect expressions of interest, and it is not a formal application for positions. On the basis of the collected EoIs, the Department will decide whether or not to open a position in specific subdisciplines. Academic positions in Italy can only be awarded through a public competition or direct appointment. The Department will contact the applicants to inform them about the opening of the formal positions and the required documentation.
For additional information, please contact us at: progetto(AT)
(Note by User: deadline is indicative.)