Deadline: 25 jun 2018
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Applications are invited for two 3-year postdoc positions on the EPSRC Programme Grant "Enhancing Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry through Moduli, Stability and Deformations". One post is based at the University of Edinburgh, one post is based at the University of Glasgow. Candidates are encouraged to apply for both, and indeed they must do so if they wish to be considered for both positions.
This project combines the expertise of Arend Bayer, Tom Bridgeland, Iain Gordon, Agata Smoktunowicz and Michael Wemyss across algebraic geometry, noncommutative algebra and representation theory, to develop common methodology and to answer a variety of questions in each topic. The post-holder will also be encouraged to pursue their own, and newly arising, research questions. For more details of the project, see
The link for the Glasgow position is, and the link for the Edinburgh position is
The closing date is 25th June 2018. Please direct any informal enquiries to me (michael.wemyss(AT), or Iain Gordon (i.gordon(AT)