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PhD Candidate in geometry and mathematical physics

created by moreno on 23 May 2018

Deadline: 15 aug 2018

A PhD position is available from 15.08.2018 at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics through its research group in geometry and mathematical physics. The appointment is for a period of 4 years, and the nominal length of the PhD program is three years. The fourth year is distributed as 25 % of each year, and will consist of teaching duties in mathematics. UiT The Arctic University of Norway funds the position.

The position is at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. There are 15 permanent scientific positions at the department: Geometry and Mathematical Physics (2 positions), Algebra (5.5 positions), Complex Systems Modelling (6 positions) and Machine Learning (1 position). At the moment, there are 7 PhD positions and 3 post-doctoral positions at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

The PhD candidate is expected to do research in the area of differential geometry, Lie theory and the geometry of differential equations. The project will concern investigation of integrability of equations of mathematical physics, symmetry properties of geometric structures and differential invariants arising in applications to relativity theory. Familiarity with symbolic computation software such as Maple or Mathematica will be an asset.

Further information about the position is available by contacting

Professor Boris Kruglikov, phone: +47 77644779, Head of the department, Professor Martin Rypdal, phone: +47 90175422,

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