Deadline: 27 may 2018
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Dear colleagues,
a postdoc position of 8 (*) months is available in Nancy. This postdoc is part of the GeoLie project, see
More precisely, the successfull candidate will collaborate with the members of this project located in Nancy (Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput, Lucas Fresse). He or she will ideally be interested in one of the following subjects: Schubert calculus, affine Grassmannian, nilpotent orbits, and Springer representations. More generally, candidates within the fields of Lie theory, homogeneous spaces, algebraic geometry, Kac-Moody spaces, Tits buildings, will carefully be considered.
This postdoc is intended to start on September 1st, 2018, but this date might be modified according to the hired person's wishes. Applications or questions will be sent by email to Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput (pierre-emmanuel.chaput(AT) and applications should contain:
* A Curriculum Vitae
* the PhD diploma or a letter written by the advisor with the expected defence date and a description of the obtained results
* a reference letter (sent directly to M. Chaput)
Application deadline is May 27th, 2018.
Up to date information is available here:
(*) There is a possibility to extend the duration of the postdoc : the hired person will be encouraged to apply for a regional grant, allowing to extend the duration of the postdoc up to 8 additional months.
Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput