Deadline: 15 may 2018
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
We have a vacancy for a PhD student at Radboud University Nijmegen.
We are looking for a student with a strong background in Algebraic Geometry who has an interest in topics such as Hodge theory, Galois representations, moduli spaces, and motives.
The vacant position is part of a joint project of Ben Moonen (Radboud University) and Lenny Taelman (University of Amsterdam). The preferred starting date is September 1st, 2018. It's a 4-year PhD position with limited teaching duties.
Interested candidates are encouraged to respond as soon as possible by writing to Ben Moonen <b.moonen(AT)>. Please send:
- a brief description of your mathematical background and interests
- a cv
- a list of courses that you have taken plus grades obtained
- two or three references (please include names and email addresses)
- pdf copies of your bachelor thesis and (a preliminary version of
your) master thesis.
Deadline for applications: May 15. Late applications will be considered until the position is filled.