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"Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators" Call 2018

created by daniele on 05 Apr 2018

Deadline: 5 apr 2018

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The goal of the program is to bring young excellent researchers (2-8 years past PhD) from abroad to Vienna to start their first "genuine" group here. The Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators (VRG) leaders receive substantial funding from WWTF (up to 1.6 mio € per group) for 6-8 years as well as a career plan with a long-term perspective from the Vienna host institutions. We, the research Platform Data Science @ Uni Vienna, would like to participate as your prospective host in Vienna. For a successful candidate we will provide a clear-cut career plan. Once we have decided on successful candidates we support your application and help you in the process. The program is financed by the City of Vienna Wien Kultur. Your application to Data Science @ Uni Vienna: Applications including: ● Letter of motivation ● Curriculum vitae ● List of publications ● Research statement ● Degree certificates should be submitted to Anne Marie Faist (anne.marie.faisst(AT) no later than April 30st, 2018 More details regarding the WWTF call: Please visit the WWTF VRG18 Call website ( for more information on program details, funding guidelines, a guide for writing proposal, etc. Questions? Please contact: Anne Marie Faisst

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