Deadline: 31 mar 2018
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There is an open position for a PhD-student within the project "Singularity Closeness of Stewart-Gough Platforms" ( funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. The research will be conducted at the "Center for Geometry and Computational Design" ( of the Vienna University of Technology. The employment starts in summer/spring 2018 and lasts for 4 years. It contains 30 hours per week for a gross monthly salary of approx. 2000 EUR. The project leader is looking for a talented, self-motivated individual with a master degree in geometry and/or mathematics or a related subject, preferable with a strong background in (numerical) algebraic geometry. The candidate should also be familiar with the software Bertini and Maple, respectively. Candidates are asked to submit their application (curriculum vitae and motivation letter) to the project leader Georg Nawratil (nawratil(AT)
(Note by User: the deadline is indicative)