Deadline: 30 apr 2018
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We have a two year postdoctoral position available at the Tata Institute. This position is in addition to the usual postdoctoral positions at the institute and is funded by a CEFIPRA grant. Pending approval, the candidate may be able to spend part of the period in France at an institute which participates in the CEFIPRA project.
We are looking for a candidate who works in one of the following broad areas:
Ergodic theory, Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces, hyperbolic geometry, geometric group theory, Diophantine analysis.
Candidates with a PhD in probability who are open to working on problems in one or more of the above areas are encouraged to apply.
The postdoc will be mentored by Mahan Mj and Anis Ghosh.
Applications should be sent to Mahan (mahan.mj(AT) or Anis. There is no deadline: we will continuously review applications till a suitable candidate is found. The start date is flexible.
One important note: Housing on the TIFR campus will not be available. HRA will be paid of course.
(Note by User: deadline is indicative)