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Tenure lecturer positions at Universitat de Barcelona in Mathematics

created by daniele on 26 Aug 2017

Deadline: 30 sep 2017

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear all,

the Department Matemàtiques i Informàtica at the Universitat de Barcelona is looking for strong candidates for a Tenure Lecturer position in Mathematics within the Serra Húnter Programme.

The Tenure Lecturer is the introductory category to a teaching career, and a fixed-term contract is given as a lecturer . This is a full-time contract for a period of no more than five years. In order to be hired as such, one must hold a doctoral qualification and have received a favourable report from the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU Catalunya) that you can obtain during the application proces. At the end of the contract, the university undertakes to open a process to offer a permanent contract as associate professor provided that the professor has passed an assessment of his or her work, which will take place in the last year of the fixed-term contract.

Belonging to the Serra Húnter Programme (SHP) means having demonstrated an excellent, international teaching and research record, and being committed to strengthening research at the contracting university (in this case Universitat de Barcelona). A Serra Húnter professor is also a leader who is able to cooperate and innovate, who may develop new lines of research complementary to the existing ones. Serra Húnter professors are selected through a rigorous and transparent selection process, and should be able to face periodic teaching and research quality assessments. In short, being a Serra Húnter professor means believing in talent, cooperation, innovation, internationalization and pursuing excellence.

Salaries will be set according to Catalan university regulations.

More information can be found at

(Note by user: deadline is indicative)

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