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Ph. D. studentships in Madrid

created by daniele on 23 Dec 2016

Deadline: 2 feb 2017

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The "la Caixa" Foundation has recently advertised a call for 57 Ph.D. studentships in various areas, including mathematics. The details of the call (in English) can be found at:

These are extremely attractive grants (e.g. 3 years at a salary of 26K-28K per year; travel funding; an award of 7,5K if the student submits on time, etc). We would like to receive applications from potential students interested in group theory, in a broad sense. More concretely, the student would join the Group Theory research group at UAM-ICMAT, consisting of:

Andrei Jaikin (andrei.jaikin (AT) : asymptotic group theory, profinite groups, L2 invariants.
Javier Aramayona (javier.aramayona (AT) : mapping class groups, curves on surfaces, Teichmüller spaces.
Yago Antolín (yago.antolin (AT) : geometric and combinatorial group theory, formal languages in finitely-generated groups.

We would be grateful if you could forward this information to any interested candidates. Candidates should apply using the online application system that can be found from the link above, indicating that they would like to work within the Group Theory group at ICMAT.

Please note that the deadline is 2nd February 2017.

Thanks in advance, and best regards,

Andrei Jaikin, Javier Aramayona, Yago Antolín

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