Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Professorship in Lille

created by daniele on 25 Sep 2016

Deadline: 12 oct 2016

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

This message is to draw your attention to the opening of a professor position in mathematics in Lille, Laboratory Paul Painlevé, with priority for arithmetic and algebraic geometry. You can see the detailed profile of the position on the link

The application process is purely electronic, and the applicants must submit their applications and attached files at the web servers found on the links


Typically, only those who are on the qualification list for the functions of university professors can apply for this position. However, candidates working in a higher education institution of a state other than France, at a position of a level at least equivalent to the position applied for, may be exempted from the inscription on the qualification list. In this hypothesis, the Scientific Council of our university will decide on the admissibility of the application in the absence of the inscription on the qualification list. An applicant meeting this requirement must produce a recent certificate from the employer stating the current position, duration and level of the duties performed.

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