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Opened position on Geometry and Topology/Singularity at Fortaleza (Brazil)

created by daniele on 08 Sep 2016

Deadline: 30 sep 2016

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The Math Department of the "Universidade Federal do CearĂ¡" (UFC), in Fortaleza (Brazil) just opened a position in an area enclosing Differential Geometry and Topology/Singularity. Specialists in any of the above areas are encouraged to participate.

The position is called "Professor Adjunto-A", a permanent position with a gross salary of 9.114,67 brazilian reais (the net salary will be around 6.800 reais).

The Math. Department of the UFC is one of the leading ones in Brazil, and his research areas include, among others,
- Differential Geometry, with special emphasis on the theory of submanifolds and geometric structures;
- Analysis and PDES, in particular the study of regularity for fully-nonlinear equations and free-boundary problems;
- Topology and Singularity, especially geometric and metric topology, and the Lipschitz theory of semi-analytic sets.

The deadline for applications is September 30th. The selection process will be done via a written exam and an oral, didactic presentation. Curriculum and research project will also be considered in the evaluation.

The official language is English. The competition announcement, together with the program of the written exam, can be found at the following web.pages:

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