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Brains-in 2015

created by daniele on 18 Jul 2014

Deadline: 31 aug 2014

Call for the awarding of four lodging fellowships for international graduates at the ISA base for the a.y. 2014-2015.

In order to foster the intellectual mobility and the participation of international graduates in the Ph.D. activities of the University of Bologna, the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) announces a call for the year 2015 for four lodging fellowships at the ISA base to be assigned by selection based on qualifications and interview. The selection is reserved for non-Italian citizens or residents who have achieved a master's degree outside of Italy. The chosen Fellows will be admitted to the first or second year (XXX or XXIX cycle) of a Ph.D. School at the University of Bologna for the academic year 2014-15 Applications must be received by the ISA no later than August 31 (deadline 12 pm). Candidates must complete in full the application form available on the university web site - Entrance Exams.

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