Deadline: 15 dec 2015
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Every year the Mathematics Group [at ICTP] offers research opportunities for outstanding mathematicians from developing countries, for short and long-term visits, as well as postdoctoral fellowships through the Mathematics Research Fellowships programme.
Visiting Fellowships are open to mathematicians of any age and nationality. They are intended for short visits to ICTP (typically between 1 to 3 months). Visiting Fellows must have a PhD in mathematics prior to the start of their Fellowship.
The latest call for Visiting Fellowships (typically between 1 to 3 months) during the period 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017 is now open. The application deadline is 15 December 2015.
The call for Postdoctoral Fellowships and Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships that will start from September 2016 is now open. The application deadline is 15 December 2015.
Other research and education opportunities in mathematics are available through the ICTP's Postgraduate Diploma Programme as well as its Associateship Scheme.