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post-doc positions in Mainz

created by daniele on 15 Oct 2015

Deadline: 10 dec 2015

There will be several postdoc positions available in the near future in algebraic or arithmetic geometry in Mainz.

At the Mainz branch of the DFG-funded collaborative Research Center SFB-TRR 45 "Periods, Moduli Spaces, and the Arithmetic of Algebraic Varieties" a number of post-doc positions will be available in the near future. We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a strong background in algebraic geometry or an adjacent field. Good communication skills in English or German are desirable as well as a willingness to learn German within the first two years. Teaching duties are minimal with at most 2 contact hours per week. Candidates are expected to conduct research in one of the focus areas of the SFB-TRR 45 which are represented in Mainz. For further information please refer to the webpage or contact one of the investigators in Mainz directly: Manuel Blickle, Manfred Lehn, Stefan Müller-Stach, Ariyan Javanpeykar, Duco van Straten, Kang Zuo.

The SFB-TRR45 is a DFG-funded research collective between the Universities Bonn, Essen and Mainz. The main focus is the education and training of young researchers (PhDs and post-docs) in the fields of algebraic and arithmetic geometry. There are numerous activities such as master classes, summer schools, seminars, conferences and doctoral student meetings, and members have other benefits, such as access to travel funds. It provides an ideal environment to further an academic career in algebraic or arithemetic geometry.

The positions are 1+2 years (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L 100\%). Applications should include the following documents:
- Short letter of intent
- Curriculum Vitae listing up to 3 of your publications you consider most significant
- List of publications
- Research statement
- Copy of PhD certificate
- Two letters of recommendation (mailed directly to us)
- Up to 3 of your publications and-or PhD Thesis

Starting date of the positions is April 1st 2016 or later. For full consideration applications should arrive by December 10th 2015 as a single Pdf-file (publications-PhD thesis separately) to be mailed electronically to the address:

The Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) is committed to increase the number of women in science and therefore encourages female scientists to apply. Handicapped persons with equal qualifications will be preferred.

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