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Postdoc position ERC HyperK

created by daniele on 30 Nov 2024

Deadline: 31 dec 2024

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions in mathematics funded by the ERC Synergy grant HyperK. The subject of this ERC project is algebraic geometry, in particular hyperkähler manifolds: categories, cycles, and cohomology. For further information see here:

The positions will be based either in Université Paris Cité or Université Paris-Saclay. If you have a preference for one place, please mention it in the text of the email.

The postdoctoral researchers will have access to fundings for travel and visitors. These are research positions; no teaching is required. French language skills are not required.

These positions must start before September 1st, 2025, but the actual starting dates are flexible. The duration of the positions is 1 year. The candidates must have completed their PhD by August 31, 2025, or before the starting date.

Applicants should provide, at the email address


- an up-to-date CV,
- a list of publications,
- a research statement describing both past research and future research plans (max. 5 pages),
- 2 letters of recommendation (sent directly to the email address hyperk(AT) by the reference writers).

The deadline for applications is December 31, 2024. Decisions will be made by February 15, 2025.

Thank you!
Best wishes,

Olivier Debarre and Emanuele Macrì

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