Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Postdoc opening at Freiburg, Germany

created by daniele on 14 May 2024

Deadline: 15 jun 2024

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we have a postdoc opening in the research group on differential geometry and topology at the university of Freiburg for 3+3 years, application deadline is June 15. For details, see;!!DZ3fjg!8eD94UHjWckD65rBFn0elGCITIH_WKXOV1WVxHF4QS_9z0O0NpibkckKCvL2_8chO5DJ4LcT3fHdvJw8Ka70BoQnPuI5qEHB68wpRXCltT6ZLKk$.

Please contact Sebastian Goette <sebastian.goette(AT)> if you are interested.

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