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POK0 project launch and job openings

created by daniele on 28 Nov 2023

Deadline: 5 jan 2024

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

this is to announce the launch of the POK0 project and job offers within.

POK0 is a Franco-German collaboration on the positivity on K-trivial varieties with participating scientists in Bochum (C. Lehn), Frankfurt (A. Küronya), Nancy (G. Pacienza), Nice (A. Höring), Poitiers (S. Boissière, E. Floris, A. Sarti), Saarbrücken (V. Lazić) and Tübingen (D. Agostini). It is funded by the ANR and the DFG for the next three years. We will closely collaborate, online and offline, and the postdocs and PhD students within the project will be deeply involved in this exchange.

Currently, we are advertising two postdoctoral positions and a PhD position, namely:

- Postdoc position (2 years) based in Bochum with PI Christian Lehn (christian.lehn(AT), starting date: 1 April 2024, application deadline: 5 January 2024.
Requirements: expertise in the geometry of K-trivial varieties, Hodge theory, degenerations, or birational geometry.

- Postdoc position (1.5 years) based in Saarbrücken with PI Vladimir Lazić (lazic(AT), starting date: flexible, between 1 April and 1 October 2024, application deadline: 5 January 2024.
Requirements: expertise in the geometry of K-trivial varieties or birational geometry, preferably with the knowledge of L2 methods.

- PhD position (3 years) based in Tübingen with PI Daniele Agostini (daniele.agostini(AT), starting date: 1 April 2024 or later, application deadline: 5 January 2024 and afterwards until the position is filled.
Requirements: knowledge of algebraic geometry.

In order to apply, please send an email to the corresponding PI with

- For the Postdoc positions: cover letter, CV, publication list, research statement.
- For the PhD position: cover letter, CV, transcript of records.

Furthermore, please arrange for at least two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the corresponding PI by the same deadline.

For further information, we refer to the POK0 webpage (--> Open Positions). Further job announcements will follow. Please forward this message to potential candidates.

Best regards,
Christian Lehn, on behalf of the POK0-Team

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