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professorship position in UCC, Ireland

created by daniele on 11 Sep 2023

Deadline: 5 dec 2023

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There is an opening for a permanent professorship (chair of discipline) in the School of Mathematical Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland. I would be very grateful if you could forward this to anyone in your network who might have an interest.

The current research interests in the mathematics department at UCC include algebraic and complex geometry, differential geometry, complex analysis, operator algebras, probability, financial mathematics. The Boole Chair of Mathematics is expected to play a pivotal leadership role in the development of Mathematics in the School and across the University.

Title of opening: Boole Chair of Mathematics.

Closing Date: 5th December 2023 at 12:00.

Salary scale: €132,302 - €167,261.

Information on how to apply: Boole Professor // Chair of Mathematics -- UCC Futures - Quantum and Photonics -- University College Cork

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