Deadline: 16 sep 2023
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
For the year 2024 CIRM activities include a program of Research in Pairs, like the one of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, which expects the presence of two or three partners from universities located in different towns, who intend to work together at CIRM, on a definite research project for a period ranging from one to six weeks. Applications for this program must be sent to the address mentioned above by ordinary or, preferred, by electronic mail. It’s suggested to send applications at least six months before the proposed working period at CIRM since decision-making might require some time. Applications must contain a brief research proposal, the period of the stay at CIRM, a C.V.and a list of publications for each applicant. For further information please visit the website
The Advisory Board of CIRM will evaluate all submitted proposals and applications (, it meets twice a year to discuss proposals. In case of overlapping of the periods of work requested with other projects already approved, please agree on new dates of stay with the secretary.
(Note by User: deadline is indicative!)