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Postdoc position at TU Chemnitz

created by daniele on 20 Jul 2023

Deadline: 4 aug 2023

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

this is to advertise a PostDoc position for 1 year at Chemnitz University of Technology. The starting date is October 1st 2023. I am looking for a candidate with a background in algebraic geometry, in areas such as Hodge theory, moduli spaces, D-modules and applications in topology, theoretical physics, toric geometry and related topics.

Applicants must hold or expect to obtain a Ph.D degree in mathematics with a topic related to the above research areas.

The position comes with teaching duties of approx. 4h/week. Salary is according to the German paygrade TV-L 13.

For further information please contact me at christian.sevenheck(AT)

Applications including CV, academic record, copies of relevant degrees and examinations, copy of Ph.D thesis (even íf not yet submitted) should be sent by email as a single pdf-file to christian.sevenheck(AT)

The closing date for applications is August 4th, 2023. Applications arriving after the closing date may still be considered until the position is filled.

Please forward this message to any candidate who might be interested.

Best regards

Christian Sevenheck

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