Deadline: 15 jun 2023
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The Department of Mathematics and Geosciences of the University of Trieste, Italy,
invites applications for fully-funded 4 PhD-positions of 3 years each.
Candidates interested in a PhD-Thesis in Algebraic Geometry, Low-Dimensional Topology or
Differential Geometry are welcome to apply. Possible research arguments are:
- Geometry and Topology of low dimensional Varieties;
- Birational Geometry and Moduli spaces of Curves
- Automorphisms of Complex Algebraic Varieties and Orbifolds;
- Tensor Spectral Analysis from a geometric point of view.
For a description of the reasearch group in Algebraic Geometry see the page
The call and instructions for applicants can be found at
Deadline: June 15, 2023 at 01.00 p.m. (Italian time)
Please forward the announcement to anyone who might be interested. For further information please write to beorchia(AT)