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Brunella Post-Doctoral Fellowship

created by daniele on 09 Feb 2023

Deadline: 17 mar 2023

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Dear colleagues,

A one-year post-doctoral fellowship will be offered by the Institute of Mathematics of Bourgogne (IMB) in honor of Marco Brunella

Conditions of the grant: The grant will be given for 12 months starting between September 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024.

The goal is to support the post-doctoral fellow to develop his or her research at the IMB and to participate in the scientific activities of the institute. The applications will be examined by a scientific committee. Priority will be given to research domains represented in the IMB which are close to the interests of Marco Brunella: different aspects of Geometry and/or Dynamical Systems.

All practical information (including "How to apply") can be found here:

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