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Postdoc: Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Geometry

created by obuachalla on 01 Aug 2022

Deadline: 9 sep 2022

A postdoc position is available as part of Réamonn Ó Buachalla’s grant, Primus – Univerzita Karlova: Spectral Noncommutative Geometry of Quantum Flag Manifolds at the Mathematical Institute of Charles University in Prague.

We are looking specifically for someone working on the noncommutative geometry of quantum groups. This is interpreted in a wide sense, however, preference will be given to those with some experience in complex differential geometry and representation theory.

The position is for one year, and must start at the latest on January 1st 2023.

Prague offers a lively research environment, with a newly established group in noncommutative geometry, organising a weekly seminar:


The position does not include any teaching duties. Moreover, the successful candidate will have funds for travel to conferences and research visits, as well as for inviting research visitors,

If you are interested in the position please send, by September 9th MIDNIGHT, Central European Summer Time (UTC+02:00)

a curriculum vitae including a list of publication a research statement (approximately 2 pages) two letters of reference

Your documents should be sent by email to,

and your letters of reference should be sent directly from the referee to

An initial offer will be made before September 30th.

For further information please contact Réamonn Ó Buachalla by email at

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