Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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PhD program in Geometry and Mathematical Physics at SISSA

created by daniele on 21 Jul 2022

Deadline: 31 aug 2022

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PhD program in Geometry and Mathematical Physics (GMP) at SISSA.

The Mathematics Area at SISSA offers a doctoral program focused on Geometry and Mathematical Physics and targeted to excellent students.

This extraordinary call has a focus on Geometric and analytic aspects of Mathematical Physics.

The GMP graduate program is entirely taught in English, and covers various topics of modern mathematics: algebraic geometry; real and complex differential geometry; stochastic and real algebraic geometry; non-commutative geometry; integrable structures in mathematics and physics, random matrices; special functions; nonlinear waves; geometry of strings and quantum fields; mathematical methods of quantum physics.

Students at SISSA have the possibility of studying and doing research in an international and active environment, interacting closely with professors and postdocs.

The GMP graduate program is structured as follows: during the first year, the students will complete their preparation by attending graduate courses (here is the list of the current courses), and the remaining years are dedicated exclusively to research.

Benefits for our students include:

- mentoring programs
- funding for summer schools and conferences
- 12 months/year stipend)
- no teaching load (some light teaching is possible, if desired)
- on-site kindergarten and maternity leave contribution
- contribution toward housing expenses
- language courses
- rich seminar activity

Trieste is an international city, with a low cost of living. Together with the ICTP, the University of Trieste, the iGAP, and the AREA Science Park, SISSA contributes to make Trieste the perfect city for graduate studies.

SISSA promotes international research and our PhD program also has co-tutelle supervisions with many european institutions.

Deadline for applications: August 31, 2022

Courses start on October 1st 2022.

The application process starts here:
For any inquiries, please write to

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