Deadline: 6 oct 2021
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The Faculty of Mathematics of Bielefeld University invites applications for the position of
Professor (W2) of Mathematics, in particular Geometry / Topology
starting as soon as possible.
The successful candidate must have a strong track record of research in Topology or Geometry and will
• contribute substantially to the department's research and teaching as well as academic administration and self-governance,
• play an active part in the department's collaborative research initiatives,
• take initiative beyond the own field of speciality and is willing to participate in interdisciplinary collaborations.
Formal requirements for appointments are detailed in paragraph 36 of the "Hochschulgesetz" of the state of North-Rhine-Westfalia.
Applications from suitably qualified disabled people are explicitly encouraged.
Bielefeld University has received a number of awards for its achievements in the provision of equal opportunity and has been recognized as a family friendly University. The University welcomes applications by women. This is particularly true in regard to both academic and technical posts as well as positions in information technology. Applications are handled according to the provisions of the state’s equal opportunity statutes.
The submission deadline for applications is October 6, 2021.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a 2-page research and teaching concept and a publication list with three outstanding publications highlighted.
They can be submitted by e-mail (optionally PGP-encrypted: ;
fingerprint: 064A 9B7A 8197 8140 FA77 EF11 74F4 5886 3D4E 426E) to:
or by regular mail to:
Bielefeld University
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics
P.O. Box 100131
D-33501 Bielefeld
Applicants are asked not to send in original documents, as these cannot be returned.