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Postdoc position in complex geometry at UAM

created by daniele on 10 Feb 2021

Deadline: 15 apr 2021

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Postdoc in complex geometry at the UAM

Applications are invited for the position of a Postdoctoral Researcher in complex geometry at the "Algebra and Geometry" research group of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT).

The position is funded by an “Europa Excelencia” grant titled “The interface between Kähler and non-Kähler complex geometry” (PI Mario Garcia-Fernandez). The successful candidate will be expected to work on research related to this project. Candidates are expected to have a strong background in complex geometry and to be skilled in geometric analysis.

Further details: 1 Postdoc position for 15 months. Gross salary of approx. 2.923 Euros per month. No teaching duties. Applications will take place in mid April 2021. Start date in Summer 2021.

For further questions, please contact mario.garcia(AT)

(Note by User: deadline is indicative!)

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