Deadline: 6 dec 2020
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear all,
The Institute of Algebraic Geometry in Hannover invites applicants for the following three positions, starting in April or October 2021. The deadline for applications is December 6.
- One 3-year postdoc without teaching under the ERC project ‚RationAlgic‘, suitable for candidates with a solid background in at least one of the following topics: Brauer groups, Chow groups, algebraic cycles, rationality problems, de Rham Witt cohomology, Milnor K-theory;
- One 3-year postdoc with mild teaching duties, suitable for candidates with connections to one of the research areas currently represented at the Institute of Algebraic Geometry in Hannover;
- One 4-year PhD-position without teaching duties under the ERC project ‚RationAlgic‘, suitable for finishing master students with a strong background in algebraic geometry.
The official announcements with instructions on how to apply can be found here: