Deadline: 8 sep 2020
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Dear colleagues,
The Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Roma Tre welcomes applications for the XXXVI'st cycle of the PhD program in Mathematics.
The program includes scholarships for 3 years and some research funds for participating in schools, workshops, etc will be available for the successful candidates as well.
The Department of Mathematics and Physics of Roma Tre offers very good working conditions and a very stimulating research environment, and it presently enjoys extra funding from MIUR’s excellence program until 2022. The PhD program in Mathematics is coordinated with the other universities in Rome, where students can take courses and participate in research events as well.
The deadline for applying (online) is September 8th at 2pm (Italian time).
Further information and the applying procedure are available at
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Margarida Melo